Saturday, March 28, 2009

How About a Smile Makeover?

Cosmetic dentistry has been a dental buzzword for many years now. Now, the "Makeovers" are the new buzzwords. The publicity on makeovers would have you think, "This must be something new!" As in all things creative, it is merely the rearranging of the old in a new way. Dr. L has pioneered cosmetic dentistry techniques to make patients' smiles "their way." Dr. L makes over patients smiles in an new-yet-old way that provides the patient an opportunity to participate in the designing of their smile. In contrast, think about how most dentists design a smile: they send models of the prepared teeth to their dental lab, and without much guidance, the dental laboratory makes the smile (crowns, bridges, veneers, etc.). Sometimes, computer-generated pictures or models are sent. However, there are some logistical issues with this. How does one position the picture on the models? Left? Right? Up? Down? Where do you put a computer generated picture on a set of tooth prepared models?

More times than Dr. L can remember, new patients arrive being unhappy with their smile. With the creative new-yet-old techniques of making a crown or bridge wax tooth pattern to try in on a patients prepared teeth, a patient's smile can be designed and tested their way. This means the middle of the crowns can be made to fit the middle of the face, allowing the smile line to follow the guidelines of the eyes and lips. This means a masculine or feminine smile can be created first in wax, and with that patient's approval, the pattern can be then made into porcelain crowns, bridges, or veneers of that shape, length, and form. This technique works perfectly for crowns, bridges, and veneers. Dr. L will even do a single tooth wax pattern on many occasions, and there is no tooth too small to need that unique design afforded by a special artistic pattern. This makes the crown look more appropriate for our patients, but is this an old technique? No, it is not. It is a technique that Dr. L pioneered and developed and the dental world has yet to catch on to. When they do, it will be the new makeover, and we wonder what it will be named? Computers are helpful in selecting a smile and determining if the crowns-bridges-veneers need to be longer, wider, narrower, etc. However, without trying a pattern in the mouth and on the prepared teeth, it is exceedingly difficult to find a naturalistic result. The three dimensions of where a pattern is needed to be placed in a face is the most important part of a smile design. Where do you place the shape of the teeth (crowns, bridges, veneers) inside the face? How does the pattern fit the lips, the eyes, the size of the face, the sex...? All of these elements of cosmetic design are vitally important. Dr. L considers all of your special smile needs in the designing of your smile, your way! For more information on our smile techniques--check out the "Facial Aesthetics Tutorial" on our website.

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