Wow! Hydrofloss users demonstrate they have better dental health. Wow, I would not go a day without the use of my Hydrofloss. No kidding, DRL knows, and has seen, the evidence! Hydrofloss users have BETTER dental health. No kidding, if you miss a day, bacteria take over and start causing gum disease. No kidding, if you use a Hydrofloss, accurately, and daily, you will have such great gum health, you will make your periodontist(gum specialist), compliment you on your better home care, on every visit. Keep the secret! You can have better gum health, without thousands of dollars in deep cleanings. THINK about it! If you have a 6 mm space and have it cleaned out in your dental office, and do not clean it out every day thereafter, will it heal? It does not take a rocket scientist--if bacterial invasion of a space causes dental disease, and if you do not clean it out at home, 365 days a year, how will it heal? Come on intelligent patients, if you do not remove the bacteria, how will you heal from gum disease? Come on intelligent regular dental flossing patients; will dental floss go into the space more than 3 mm(the height of the gums on both tongue and face side)? So what about the 0ther 3 mm? How do you clean it out, at HOME? Takes a little bit of common sense. So if your dentist does deep cleanings every three months, and provides no means of cleaning the 6 mm spaces out, who benefits from 3 month cleanings--you or your dentist! Takes a little bit of thinking, and our patients have obviously better gum health, obvious better healing of 6 mm spaces going back to 3 mm, every day! So talk with DRL about a Hydrofloss and the benefits you will ACHIEVE with daily use of a Hydrofloss. Become addicted to the Hydrofloss for better gum health. DRL says: "I will not go a day without using my Hydrofloss, I see the benefits it provides to my patients, EVERY DAY!.